November 2024


First page complete! Funny enough, this was meant to be my original homepage, but I kinda broke it? Anyways I decided to rescue whatever code I could for my journal page, so hey presto! I've been kinda hyperfocused on making this site for a while, even through exam season. Developing a new hyper-fixation through exams and work was really not fun. Anyways next on the list is the blog and microblog! The microblog is like a random update style, journal is like a diary? And the blog will be reserved for random long thoughts and rants.


Noot noot, birthday time! After 20 trips around our local star, my lazy ass has finally decided to start keeping a diary of sorts! One of my friends kindly put it as my entry into my 3rd decade. Real kind. Realistically, whilst nothing has changed between being 19 and 20, its really put mortality in perspective for me. Time's a ticking, and the countdown's begun.


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